Conservation Zone Community Newspaper Column and Insert Program

The Conservation Zone series of Newspaper Columns
(1 0f 6 shown below)

Project Manager: Paul Cassel, Up Marketing
Production Manager/Project Coordinator: Charles Johnston, Up Marketing
Account Manager: Don Huff, Environmental Communications Options

Objective: To educate Ontarians, specifically those living in rural and urban areas facing possible energy supply constraints, about the environmental and financial benefits of energy conservation in the home. The columns were written by Chief Energy Conservation Officer of Ontario, Peter Love.

I researched, planned and executed the print media buy which included 79 daily and community newspapers as well as a specialty magazine, with total circulation of the columns exceeding 2.7 million. The columns ran from October, 2008 to January, 2009

I also provided editorial assistance in the writing and layout of the columns.

The Conservation Zone "Energy Conservation Report" Newspaper Insert Program

back cover

Project Manager: Paul Cassel, Up Marketing
Production Manager/Project Coordinator: Charles Johnston
Lead Designer: Ryan Johnson
Account Manager: Don Huff, Environmental Communication Options

Objective: To conclude the Conservation Zone newspaper columns series with a final "report card" informing Ontarians about the progress made in reaching 2008 energy conservation targets, and educate them about conservation programs available to homeowners in Ontario going forward.

I managed production of the inserts and provided extensive editorial and creative assistance. As with the columns, I researched, planned and executed the insert media buy which included delivery to over 1.4 million households in Ontario using community and daily newspapers.